Funding Brief for Donors

Be part of a game-changing global initiative

Funding and joining the Global Alliance means becoming part of an innovative group that shifts traditional approaches to ending statelessness. This collaboration represents a unique opportunity to drive impactful change and be at the forefront of a global coalition.

Strategic partnerships and networking

Members of the Global Alliance have the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse network of stakeholders, including governments, UN agencies, NGOs, and academic institutions. These partnerships can enhance your strategic objectives and open new avenues for collaboration and innovation.

Influence on policy and advocacy

Your engagement and financial support can help shape policy and advocacy efforts at national, regional, and global levels. By funding our initiatives, you contribute to creating permanent solutions that address the root causes of statelessness, influencing practices and policies for long-term impact.
Enhanced Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR) Profile

Aligning your brand with the cause of ending statelessness can significantly enhance your CSR profile. Demonstrating your commitment to solving a critical human rights issue can boost your reputation, attract positive media attention, and strengthen relationships with stakeholders and customers.

Tangible social and economic returns

Investing in the eradication of statelessness can provide tangible social and economic returns. Empowered individuals can contribute to their communities and economies, leading to greater social cohesion, economic stability, and overall societal well-being.

Stay updated with key developments on statelessness

This will include access to the latest trends, tools, and new data in the field of statelessness eradication, enabling you to keep informed and strategically engaged.

Impact and recognition

By funding initiatives by the Global Alliance Members, you will be seen as a key stakeholder in the global effort to eradicate statelessness.

8 reasons for investing now

  1. This is a game-changer: Join an innovative global initiative.
  2. Partnerships: Network with influential global stakeholders and share insights.
  3. Get the latest insights: Stay updated with key developments on statelessness.
  4. Policy impact: Influence significant policy changes.
  5. CSR Boost: Enhance your corporate social responsibility profile.
  6. Economic returns: Contribute to social and economic stability.
  7. Recognition: Gain visibility as a leader in human rights and social justice.
  8. Direct funding: Benefit from a streamlined process with no intermediaries, ensuring your contributions directly support grassroots projects and impacted communities.

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Invest in the solutions that will end statelessness, once and for all.

To be stateless is to be denied a nationality. Officially, it’s like you don’t exist. Millions of people around the world are affected by this problem, found on every continent and in far too many countries.

Statelessness deprives people of their basic human rights and perpetuates inequality – affecting everything from gender equality to women’s and children’s rights. And without resolving statelessness, we cannot achieve the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

However, statelessness is absolutely solvable – forever, for everyone.

There are clear and permanent solutions in sight. We know how to end statelessness, but it calls for a ‘whole-of-society’ approach and collective action from multiple stakeholders.

That’s why our Global Alliance to End Statelessness is needed – to collectively accelerate action and achieve the progress the world needs. This requires political commitment, which the Global Alliance will secure and champion through evidence-based advocacy, twinning, and exchanges, as well as funding from organisations like yours.

The urgency is clear: we must act now to uphold human rights and equality. There has been progress – but the last progress isn’t happening fast enough, and that is why we need your involvement and support.

We are calling on your help to accelerate solutions.

Your foundation or organization can contribute significantly through funding, which is crucial for driving our initiatives forward. Beyond financial support, we also invite you to join the Global Alliance to End Statelessness. By becoming a member, you can lend your influential voices, advocate for change, and engage in meaningful dialogue, helping to advance our agenda on a broader scale. Your support can drive the impactful change we need, ensuring that no one is left behind.

We are a diverse group of stakeholders – a Global Alliance to End Statelessness – seeking your support to accelerate progress. To invest in collaborative initiatives and sustainable projects that address and prevent statelessness. To help secure permanent solutions at a country level. Because everyone must enjoy the right to a nationality without discrimination.

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It’s devastating because it can lead to a lifetime without the most basic human rights, affecting people’s access to education, healthcare, freedom of movement, and property rights. Stateless individuals face challenges in almost every aspect of everyday life, from obtaining a SIM card to opening a bank account, further isolating them from society and limiting their ability to communicate and manage finances. Indeed, they are often excluded from cradle to grave – denied a legal identity at birth and, shockingly, even deprived of the dignity of an official burial and death certificate.

This kind of exclusion can cause severe effects for society, including rising social tensions, violence, and even forced displacement.

What’s more, the causes of statelessness are varied and complex. In many cases, it results from gaps and inconsistencies in nationality laws, including gender-discriminatory provisions.

Can you believe that in 24 countries, mothers are still unable to pass on their nationality to their children on an equal basis with fathers?

If we don’t ensure equal nationality rights for all, including women, more children will be born stateless, perpetuating the problem. Statelessness also disproportionately affects ethnic minorities, women, and children, exacerbating existing inequalities and vulnerabilities.

While many states have pledged their political commitment to resolve statelessness, progress has been slow.

We must accelerate change now to prevent an intergenerational cycle of rights denial… to leave no one behind… and to achieve the vital Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We know that statelessness can be eradicated forever, for everyone, based on our experience and the significant progress made over the past decade as part of UNHCR’s IBelong campaign. Countries and regions that have implemented targeted strategies have seen tangible and durable solutions take effect.

These success stories demonstrate that with the right approach, it is possible to resolve statelessness.

At this point in history, there is more collaboration around statelessness than ever before. This unprecedented level of commitment and cooperation shows that we are on the brink of making significant strides.

Our strategy now, will be to seize on this momentum, build on the lessons learned, leveraging proven methods and scalable solutions. However, many of these solutions depend completely on the financial support of like-minded people and organizations like yours.

We know that ending statelessness requires a ‘whole-of-society’ approach. It calls for concrete actions by countries – granting nationality to stateless people, confirming the nationality of those with undetermined status and amending national legislation to include statelessness prevention safeguards. It’s about resolving long-standing stateless situations and preventing new ones from ever happening.

Our Global Alliance is a shift towards co-creation and participatory action.
In short, it’s about getting things done!

That means:

  • Generating evidence.
  • Facilitating political dialogue.
  • Sharing experiences and ideas.
  • Mobilizing affected communities and other stakeholders at all levels.

This is your opportunity to fuel an exciting platform for learning, for knowledge sharing, and collaboration, while building the political commitment needed to accelerate solutions to statelessness and uphold the rights of stateless people. It will connect global advocacy with regional and national actions to drive positive change through:

  1. A stronger focus on solutions: Resolving protracted situations and preventing new instances of statelessness.
  2. Leveraging the Sustainable Development Goals: Forming new partnerships and achieving legal identity for all.
  3. Recognising the transformative role of stateless communities and stateless-led organisations: Through closer collaboration, engagement, and empowerment.

Your financial investment will be crucial for fuelling our work to:

1. Achieve global change and support United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Stateless people often lack basic rights such as education, healthcare, and employment, leading to a lifetime on the margins of society. Partnering with us will enable you to significantly impact this human rights issue by ensuring they have access to these essential services.

This empowers them to participate fully in society and contribute to their communities and economies, fostering a stable, fair, and prosperous world for everyone. Your support will contribute directly to SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities), SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

2. Promote human rights and equality:

Supporting our initiatives directly contributes to the protection and promotion of human rights, including gender equality, minority rights, and children’s rights. The lack of identity leaves stateless people unable to fully participate in society, perpetuating cycles of marginalisation. By eradicating statelessness, we uphold the dignity and rights of all individuals, ensuring that no one is left behind.

3. Drive economic benefits:

When stateless people are recognised and integrated into society, they can contribute more effectively to the economy. Access to education and employment allows stateless people to develop skills and work, which can lead to increased productivity and economic contributions. What’s more, improved social cohesion and reduced exclusion can lower the costs associated with social and political instability.

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