Global Alliance to End Statelessness
Make your mark.
Join our new Global Alliance to End Statelessness
To be stateless, is to be denied a nationality. Officially, it’s almost as if you don’t exist. Millions of people are affected around the world, with serious impacts on their ability to enjoy even the most basic rights. However, statelessness is absolutely solvable… forever, for everyone. But change simply isn’t happening fast enough.
This is why we are calling on you to join with us, a diverse group of stakeholders – a Global Alliance to End Statelessness. Together we can catalyse and accelerate change. Because everyone deserves to enjoy the right to a nationality without discrimination.
Sign up now! The official launch of the Global Alliance took place on 14 October 2024 in Geneva at the High-Level Segment on Statelessness, on day one of UNHCR ExCom.
We need coordinated and collaborative action.
That’s why we are looking to bring together people with the energy, talent and power to make a difference. Convening stakeholders from right across the world in a spirit of openness, equality, and collaboration.
IntroductionWe need to act with bold pragmatism.
That’s why we are capacitating members with tools for focused and effective collaboration. So we can unite as a collective – listening to and learning from one another, exchanging ideas, and joining the dots in exciting and innovative new ways.
Knowledge HubWe need to consign Statelessness to history.
We will not rest until this happens. Acting together to identify and respond to the gaps in laws, policies and practice that are creating new cases of statelessness and letting existing situations linger
ActivitiesPast webinars
Timed around the launch of the Global Alliance at ExCom on 14 October, the first Regional Network Lab signals the intention of the Global Alliance to act quickly to foster exchange and learning in pursuit of its objectives.
Stories & Interviews
17 March 2025

Townhall Meeting on introducing the Global Alliance Thematic Working Groups
The Global Alliance held its first Townhall meeting online on February 24-25, 2025, focused on introducing the Alliance’s inaugural thematic working groups (TWGs) and their co-chairs.
The thematic working groups are a key workstream of the Global Alliance, established as expert forums to advance the Alliance vision and mission, in particular thematic areas which warrant intensified attention, advocacy and action. They are designed to identity and address key gaps, foster learning and promote innovative solutions.
more12 February 2025

Inaugural Advisory Committee Meeting
The final week of January marked a significant milestone for the Global Alliance to End Statelessness, as it convened its first Advisory Committee meeting, bringing together a distinguished group of Member States, civil society and stateless-led organizations, regional bodies, and UN agencies.
Held on 28–29 January in Bogis-Bossey, Switzerland, the inaugural meeting focused on operationalizing the Alliance and advancing key workstreams. Discussions highlighted the need to strengthen member engagement, enhance communication efforts, and ensure the meaningful participation of stateless persons and stateless-led organizations.
more22 October 2024

Ensuring the Resources to End Statelessness Together
The financial resourcing of statelessness research is one of the most challenging aspects of our work. Funders have heard of many other human right issues but, due to the often-unseen nature of statelessness, it remains an outlier. As a result, it is difficult for donors who are hearing about the issue for the first time to believe that such a problem can exist in the 21st century, let alone get to the point that they are convinced that this is an area that is worthy of their funding support.
As members of the Global Alliance to End Statelessness, we are committed to collaborative, coordinated action. This means helping ensure that we have the financial and other resources needed to catalyse and accelerate positive change. We believe that statelessness is solvable through a well-resourced whole-of-society approach.
8 October 2024

The Global Alliance: Stronger Together
Addressing statelessness effectively requires a multi-stakeholder approach. We must combine different expertise, ideas, resources, and experiences to tackle the diverse issues that underpin statelessness.
The Global Alliance centers stateless-led organizations and persons with lived experience of statelessness, which is commendable because it ensures accountability to and meaningful participation by those affected by statelessness. Acknowledging their lived experience and expertise in seeking durable solutions to the problem.