Towards the Summit of the Future: Ending Statelessness & Upholding Equal Nationality Rights

Civil society plays a fundamental role in shaping a future that, today more than ever, needs multilateral approaches to ensure an inclusive, sustainable, and safe society for all. The 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference in Support of the Summit of the Future is a premier event on the civil society calendar at the United Nations, ahead of the September 2024 Summit of the Future. The Conference, to be held in Nairobi on 9-10 May, will bring together UN officials, civil society, academia, think tanks, Member States, media, private sector, change makers and leaders from diverse groups to discuss issues of global concern. Framed as a civil-society convened, multistakeholder conference, that is expected to host 1500 participants, it will increase awareness, ambition and accountability for the Summit of the Future, build multi-stakeholder coalitions to champion, act on and push forward reforms proposed in consensus language of the Pact, and to innovate the way civil society and other stakeholders interact with intergovernmental processes.  

On 9 May, the Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights, the Global Movement against Statelessness, Women’s Refugee Commission and UNHCR are co-organizing a panel entitled, ‘Ending Statelessness & Upholding Equal Nationality Rights for Inclusive, Sustainable Development’. The panel is designed to foster meaningful participation and multi-stakeholder approaches to end statelessness and implement equitable nationality laws, which are crucial for sustainable development, equal citizenship, and compliance with international law.  

The panel will be moderated by Alicia Wallace, the Executive Director of Equality Bahamas, and will feature as speakers the following affected activists, civil society and UN experts: Nadia Al Maskati, Chair of the Bahrain Women Union’s Nationality Committee; Neha Gurung, Co-Lead of the Global Movement Against Statelessness; Yassah Musa, Project Manager at the Nubian Rights Forum; Adlyn Teoh, President of Family Frontiers Impacted Mothers Network Malaysia; Marin Roman, Senior Statelessness Officer, UNHCR Geneva.  

The panel will take place on 9 May 2024 at 7AM EST/13PM CET/14PM EAT/19PM MYT. Arabic and French interpretation will be available. Register online here today! 

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Endorse the Global Refugee Forum 2023 Multistakeholder Pledge on ending statelessness and join the new Global Alliance

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Accelerating solutions through multi-stakeholder action: a panel by the Global Alliance at the World Conference on Statelessness

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Funding Opportunity Alert for Stateless-Led Organizations!

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