Aditus Foundation
Neil Falzon
Aditus Foundation is a non-governmental organisation established in 2011 by lawyers dedicated to ensuring human rights access in Malta. Named for the Latin word meaning ‘access’, Aditus Foundation’s mission is the attentive analysis of access in Malta to human rights recognition and enjoyment. In practical terms, Aditus was established to monitor, report and act on issues of fundamental human rights access for individuals and groups.
Aditus Foundation was founded on the principles of the universality, interdependence and indivisibility of all fundamental human rights, and we strive to promote their understanding and application. Being a generic human rights NGO, we work to adopt a broad perspective for human rights in Malta, identifying themes such as discrimination and access to effective remedies. Furthermore, while focused on Malta, we work towards highlighting the regional and international implications of local obstacles to human rights access.
Our main activities include the identification of priority areas, formulating advocacy strategies and working towards improvement in legal and administrative standards. This includes offering pro bono legal information and advice.
In relation to statelessness for year we have led national advocacy efforts urging Malta to accede to the 1954 Convention and establish a statelessness determination procedure. We regularly report on the situation in Malta, including through Shadow Reports and the Statelessness Index. We are members of the European Network on Statelessness and often engage with UNHCR Malta.