Strengthening trans-regional exchange and knowledge-sharing to support changemaking efforts
15-16 October 2024

The first Regional Network Lab is co-organized by UNHCR, as the Secretariat of the Global Alliance to End Statelessness, and the European Network on Statelessness, a civil society alliance of over 180 NGOs, community organizations, academic initiatives, and individual experts in 41 European countries.
Over 15-16 October 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, participatory workshops and spaces for reflection will facilitate learning and exchange on the development of regional statelessness civil society networks, and the co-development, sharing, and translation of knowledge into law and policy reform at national and regional levels to better protect the rights of stateless people and enable everyone to realise their right to a nationality.
There will be a focus on how increased trans-regional exchange can contribute to the mission and objectives of the Global Alliance and support its implementation. The agenda will include stock-taking, workshops on regional civil society network development and opportunities for the future, a spotlight on knowledge tools to support change-making efforts, and a workshop co-designed and led by stateless-led organizations, as well as participatory spaces for reflection and exchange of learning and ideas.
Outputs will include a report on learnings and agreed follow-up as well as a general concept note and structure for future Regional Network Labs.
Archive of Regional Network Labs and webinars recordings
Timed around the launch of the Global Alliance at ExCom on 14 October, the first Regional Network Lab signals the intention of the Global Alliance to act quickly to foster exchange and learning in pursuit of its objectives.