Solution Seekers

The Solutions Seekers Programme supports States and Regional Intergovernmental Organizations to optimize and accelerate the rate at which their pledges are implemented, thereby advancing concrete, permanent solutions for stateless communities. Participation also enables a stronger ‘whole of society’ approach to addressing statelessness, and lead to increased opportunities for Solutions Seekers to promote their achievements.

What is the Solution Seeker Programme?
The Solution Seeker Programme is a key initiative of the Global Alliance. The Programme will support and champion States and regional intergovernmental organizations to solve the issue of statelessness effectively, and most importantly, permanently.

To be a Solution Seeker State means committing to tackling statelessness in the country. It signifies taking practical steps to prevent and reduce statelessness within the country’s borders.

This role also demonstrates a willingness to lead by example on a global scale, showcasing effective approaches that other countries can learn from and follow.

Who can become a Solution Seeker?
All States and regional intergovernmental bodies can become Solution Seekers.

States or regional intergovernmental organizations who wish to become Solution Seekers need to:

Be a member of the Global Alliance: States and regional intergovernmental organizations must be members of the Global Alliance and thereby have endorsed the vision and mission of the Global Alliance.

Have an active pledge: Solution Seekers must have one or more active pledges to address statelessness. These pledges should have been delivered in the context of events such as the Global Refugee Forums (both 2019, 2023 and future ones), the 2021 High-Level Officials Meeting, and/or the 2019 High-Level Segment on Statelessness.

Have a taskforce or focal point: A Solution Seeker State must have a Taskforce on Statelessness or a Statelessness Focal Point at the senior technical level, located within the Ministry most relevant to the implementation of the pledge(s). Alternatively, a cross-sectoral taskforce can be established if the implementation of pledges falls across multiple Ministries/Departments. If a taskforce/focal point is not yet in place, this needs to be established within 12 months of joining the Programme.

Have a pledge implementation and/or a National Action Plan:
Entities must have a time-bound pledge implementation plan with clear, measurable milestones, developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders, including stateless people or communities who stand to benefit from the pledge(s). It is strongly recommended that States formulate a comprehensive National Action Plan (NAP) to End Statelessness, incorporating the pledge implementation plan.

The NAP or pledge implementation plan must be established either at the time of joining the Solution Seeker Programme or within 12 months of joining the programme.

Benefits of becoming a Solution Seeker
Joining the Global Alliance to End Statelessness and its Solution Seeker Programme will not only contribute to addressing the issue of statelessness but also play a pivotal role in the broader development agenda, advancing both human rights and sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Becoming a Solution Seeker will bring dividends to those Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations that join.

The Solutions Seeker will:
Receive support for accelerated pledge implementation: As a Solution Seeker, you will be supported in expediting the implementation of your pledges. By harnessing the collective strength of the Global Alliance and benefiting from the support tools (Diagnostic Checklist, the Stakeholder Consultation Guide, and the Pledge Implementation Plan Template) you can advance concrete and permanent solutions for stateless communities rapidly.

Garner national level support: Solution Seekers will have the opportunity to draw on the expertise of national Alliance members. By involving various stakeholders, including civil society, and
stateless-led organizations, your efforts can become more coordinated comprehensive and impactful.

Garner global support and recognition: Solution Seekers can gain increased visibility and recognition from the international community for their achievements in addressing statelessness.

Your commitment and progress will be acknowledged and celebrated globally. As a Solution Seeker, you gain access to the expertise and knowledge from diverse stakeholders within the Global Alliance, as well as to specialised tools designed to support the pledge implementation.

Engage in learning and capacity-building: The Global Alliance offers a platform for learning, exchange, and collaboration. As a Solution Seeker, you can engage in capacity- building activities, workshops, and webinars that equip you with the tools and knowledge to address statelessness effectively.

How to become a Solution Seeker
You can simultaneously join the Alliance and its Solution Seeker Programme by contacting the Global Alliance Secretariat at [email protected].

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Learn more about the Solution Seeker Programme

For the Global Refugee Forum 2023, stakeholders are encouraged to make Multistakeholder pledges, which are joint pledges with a large-scale reach, working towards an ambitious common goal.

The Multistakeholder Pledge on Ending Statelessness envisages a world free from statelessness in which everyone can enjoy the right to a nationality without discrimination as a key outcome. This pledge aims to increase the prevention and reduction of statelessness through the implementation of concrete pledges made by States and others. One way to do this is for relevant stakeholders to join the Global Alliance to End Statelessness.

Our Solution Seekers

Stakeholder type:


Council of Europe
