14 October 2024

Global Alliance Launch at the High-Level Segment on Statelessness on 14 October 2024

The High-Level Segment (HLS) on Statelessness, taking place on 14 October as part of the 75th Session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme (ExCom), is just one week away! This most significant multilateral global convening on statelessness since 2019 will officially launch the Global Alliance to End Statelessness, the collaborative multistakeholder platform bringing together states, civil society and stateless-led organizations, regional intergovernmental organizations, UN agencies and international organizations, to achieve a world where everyone enjoys the right to nationality without discrimination.

The event will be moderated by Ms. Anita Rani, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador and will begin with a dialogue with former stateless individuals, followed by two panels and interventions from representatives of Member States, regional organizations, and civil society.

The highlight of the session will be the formal launch of the Global Alliance to End Statelessness, through a multistakeholder panel, which will include:
• An introductory video showcasing the Global Alliance’s mission and vision.
• Statements by representatives from governments that have committed to taking concrete actions to resolve statelessness, known as “Solution Seekers.”
• Insights from regional organizations and civil society leaders who are on the front lines of the fight against statelessness.

If you cannot attend the HLS in person, we encourage you to follow the event online via the UN Web TV live stream on 14 October starting at 10:00 CET (Geneva time). Access the live stream here.

In addition, two significant side events on statelessness will be organized during the UNHCR Executive Committee session. On 14 October from 13:00 to 13:35, a Dialogue with civil society changemakers and the UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner for Protection will take place in the Exhibition space near Room XIX, Palais des Nations. This event will explore effective strategies to combat statelessness and emphasize the pivotal role of civil society in driving the Alliance’s mission forward.

On 15 October from 13:30 to 14:45 in Room XXV, the side-event “Harnessing Regional Collaboration to Eradicate Statelessness” will highlight how regional organizations are successfully advancing the statelessness agenda. The session will showcase regional initiatives, share successful practices, and discuss how organizations can further contribute to the Global Alliance’s vision. Don’t miss these opportunities to engage with key stakeholders and explore collaborative solutions to end statelessness.



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12 December 2023 ‐ 15 December 2023

Endorse the Global Refugee Forum 2023 Multistakeholder Pledge on ending statelessness and join the new Global Alliance

For the Global Refugee Forum 2023, stakeholders are encouraged to make Multistakeholder pledges, which are joint pledges with a large-scale reach, working towards an ambitious common goal.

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28 February 2024

Accelerating solutions through multi-stakeholder action: a panel by the Global Alliance at the World Conference on Statelessness

From 26-29 February 2024, the World Conference on Statelessness, organized by the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion, Nationality for All and Development of Human Resources for Rural Areas Malaysia, will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

On 28 February 2024, the Solidarity theme day of the conference, UNHCR will host a panel on Expediting Solutions through the New Multistakeholder Global Alliance to End Statelessness. The event will introduce the Global Alliance to civil society organizations, stateless-led organizations and other stakeholders.

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9 May 2024

Towards the Summit of the Future: Ending Statelessness & Upholding Equal Nationality Rights

The 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference in Support of the Summit of the Future is a premier event on the civil society calendar at the United Nations, ahead of the September 2024 Summit of the Future. On 9 May, the Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights, the Global Movement against Statelessness, Women’s Refugee Commission and UNHCR are co-organizing a panel entitled, ‘Ending Statelessness & Upholding Equal Nationality Rights for Inclusive, Sustainable Development’. 

The panel will take place on 9 May 2024 at 7AM EST/13PM CET/14PM EAT/19PM MYT. Arabic and French interpretation will be available. Register online today! 

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