12 June 2024

Inclusive Solutions Towards Ending Statelessness – side event at the UNHCR Global NGO Consultations in Geneva

The European Network on Statelessness (ENS), Nationality for All, and UNHCR are co-organising a side event on “Inclusive Solutions Towards Ending Statelessness” at the Global NGO Consultations in Geneva on June 12, 16:00-17:30 CET, room B.

Elizabeth Tan (Director, UNHCR Division of International Protection), will speak at the event alongside Chris Nash (ENS Director), Tahera Hasan (Director, Imkaan Welfare Organisation), and Radha Govil (Deputy Director, Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness). The event will be moderated by ENS Trustee and Apatride Network Member – Alexandra Semeriak.

The event will review recent obstacles and progress made in efforts to address statelessness. It will also delve into advocating for legal and policy structures that address gender bias in nationality laws, as well as explore how to enhance access to legal and economic rights for stateless individuals through involvement of civil society and other stakeholders.

The session will highlight successful partnerships and best practices that exemplify comprehensive ‘whole of society’ strategies in addressing statelessness. Participants will discuss how to strengthen collaboration under the multistakeholder Global Alliance to End Statelessness, which is poised to be launched in October 2024 with UNHCR as its Secretariat. Discussions will also cover how this can support increased engagement on statelessness and accelerated pledge implementation through the Global Compact on Refugees and other processes. A particular focus will be placed on ensuring the meaningful inclusion of stateless individuals in change-making efforts.

Important note: This is an in-person event only, and is only open to individuals having already registered for the Global NGO Consultations

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12 December 2023 ‐ 15 December 2023

Endorse the Global Refugee Forum 2023 Multistakeholder Pledge on ending statelessness and join the new Global Alliance

For the Global Refugee Forum 2023, stakeholders are encouraged to make Multistakeholder pledges, which are joint pledges with a large-scale reach, working towards an ambitious common goal.

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28 February 2024

Accelerating solutions through multi-stakeholder action: a panel by the Global Alliance at the World Conference on Statelessness

From 26-29 February 2024, the World Conference on Statelessness, organized by the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion, Nationality for All and Development of Human Resources for Rural Areas Malaysia, will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

On 28 February 2024, the Solidarity theme day of the conference, UNHCR will host a panel on Expediting Solutions through the New Multistakeholder Global Alliance to End Statelessness. The event will introduce the Global Alliance to civil society organizations, stateless-led organizations and other stakeholders.

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9 May 2024

Towards the Summit of the Future: Ending Statelessness & Upholding Equal Nationality Rights

The 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference in Support of the Summit of the Future is a premier event on the civil society calendar at the United Nations, ahead of the September 2024 Summit of the Future. On 9 May, the Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights, the Global Movement against Statelessness, Women’s Refugee Commission and UNHCR are co-organizing a panel entitled, ‘Ending Statelessness & Upholding Equal Nationality Rights for Inclusive, Sustainable Development’. 

The panel will take place on 9 May 2024 at 7AM EST/13PM CET/14PM EAT/19PM MYT. Arabic and French interpretation will be available. Register online today! 

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