Global Alliance to End Statelessness
Make your mark.
Join our new Global Alliance to End Statelessness
To be stateless, is to be denied a nationality. Officially, it’s almost as if you don’t exist. Millions of people are affected around the world, with serious impacts on their ability to enjoy even the most basic rights. However, statelessness is absolutely solvable… forever, for everyone. But change simply isn’t happening fast enough.
This is why we are calling on you to join with us, a diverse group of stakeholders – a Global Alliance to End Statelessness. Together we can catalyse and accelerate change. Because everyone deserves to enjoy the right to a nationality without discrimination.
Sign up now, ready for the official launch of the Global Alliance on 14 October 2024. Look out for further updates soon.
We need coordinated and collaborative action.
That’s why we are looking to bring together people with the energy, talent and power to make a difference. Convening stakeholders from right across the world in a spirit of openness, equality, and collaboration.
IntroductionWe need to act with bold pragmatism.
That’s why we are capacitating members with tools for focused and effective collaboration. So we can unite as a collective – listening to and learning from one another, exchanging ideas, and joining the dots in exciting and innovative new ways.
Knowledge HubWe need to consign Statelessness to history.
We will not rest until this happens. Acting together to identify and respond to the gaps in laws, policies and practice that are creating new cases of statelessness and letting existing situations linger
ActivitiesMay 23rd, 2024
Open Call for Expressions of Interest: Advisory Committee of the Global Alliance to End Statelessness
The Global Alliance is looking to bring together a diverse group of individuals, who are eager to make a mark and to contribute their knowledge and skills to the collective efforts to resolve statelessness.
We are thus launching this open Call for Expressions of interest for the Global Alliance Advisory Committee.
The open call is extended until August 18, 2024, 23:59 CET.
moreApril 15th, 2024
Uniting for Change: Global Alliance Gains Momentum at the 2024 World Conference on Statelessness
The second World Conference on Statelessness (WCS24) was organized in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, over 26-29 February 2024. The conference successfully convened a broad coalition of stakeholders from various regions, promoting knowledge sharing, solidarity, and collaborative action. UNHCR organized the panel ‘Uniting for Change: Accelerating Solutions through the New Multistakeholder Global Alliance to End Statelessness’ to inform of the benefits of multilateral engagement to address statelessness and build the Global Alliance membership among civil society and other stakeholders.
moreEvent date: September 4th, 2024
First Global Alliance All Member Briefing
The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), as the Secretariat of the Global Alliance, is pleased to announce the 1st Global Alliance All Member Briefing, scheduled for 04 September.
This online event, held via Teams, offers a vital meet-and-greet opportunity for all Global Alliance members and will provide information on the Global Alliance’s official launch and outline engagement opportunities and workstreams. It also aims to gather member feedback and encourage active engagement in shaping the Global Alliance’s future.
Important Note: This is an invite-only event for Global Alliance members. Non-members are encouraged to formalize their membership through this link.
March 22nd, 2024
Why the Global Alliance and why hope?
There is a strength in unity, and it is even more powerful when that unity is diverse.
The Global Alliance unites us under a vision for a statelessness free world. And it gives us the opportunity to collectively hold power to put towards a lasting impact and legacy for future generations. This is how we address statelessness from ever happening in this world, by working together.
March 20th, 2024
Why the Global Alliance and why is it important?
The Global Alliance is both a space and a communicative energy to bring forward our commitment for no statelessness anywhere in the world. The community of the Global Alliance will be a workspace that is inspiring, that shines a light on how together we can work on a common human rights problem.
If we pull together and do the work and mobilize the resources, we can arrive at the year 2030 with every single person on earth carrying a nationality and participating fully in their own societies.