Kareen Jabre
Kareen Jabre
Director – Division of Programmes, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

Why the Global Alliance and why now?

We cannot stop now. Today, there are millions of women and men, girls and boys around the world that are stateless. These are people that have no nationality and no access to rights.

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is the global organization of national parliaments from around the world, with 180 Member Parliaments. We have been working closely with UNHCR for almost 15 years to mobilize our Members to take action to put an end to statelessness.

The Global Alliance will be a unique and powerful tool. It brings together a diverse set of actors that each will bring their own added value, strengths, and opportunities. The Alliance will allow us to find common opportunities for cooperation, and to learn from, challenge and support one another in order to achieve change.

What inspires me about the collaboration in the Alliance is that it builds on the positive and values diversity. It is about accepting our differences and what we can do for each other.

I think the fact that we are launching a Global Alliance to End Statelessness is a sign of hope. It is a sign and sends a strong message that we can do things together, that human rights matter and that solidarity is still there. And that we can, again, agree to change things together, for millions of people around the world.

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Karina Ambartsoumian-Clough
Karina Ambartsoumian-Clough
Executive Director, United Stateless
Why the Global Alliance and why hope?

There is a strength in unity, and it is even more powerful when that unity is diverse.

The Global Alliance unites us under a vision for a statelessness free world. And it gives us the opportunity to collectively hold power to put towards a lasting impact and legacy for future generations. This is how we address statelessness from ever happening in this world, by working together.

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Claude Cahn
Human Rights Officer, UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR)
Why the Global Alliance and why is it important?

The Global Alliance is both a space and a communicative energy to bring forward our commitment for no statelessness anywhere in the world. The community of the Global Alliance will be a workspace that is inspiring, that shines a light on how together we can work on a common human rights problem.

If we pull together and do the work and mobilize the resources, we can arrive at the year 2030 with every single person on earth carrying a nationality and participating fully in their own societies.

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Chris Nash
Chris Nash
Director and Co-Founder, European Network on Statelessness
Why the Global Alliance and why together?

Ultimately, statelessness is a human-made problem, which means that we as people and in our professional capacities have the power to change it. In that respect, it is different from some other existential challenges facing humanity.

Ten years ago, statelessness was almost invisible, despite the scale of the problem and the devastating impact. Millions of people worldwide were (and still are) living without a nationality. Thanks to UNHCR’s #IBelong Campaign and the efforts of civil society, statelessness is now firmly on the agenda. But we need to launch the Global Alliance now to catch and continue that momentum.

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